Fluid Cantilver Holder Splash Guards for Dimension Hybrid XYZ
Calibration Artifact: 180nm Depth, 10μm Pitch, Pt Coated, on a glass slide
High-Efficiency Cantilever holder enabling VITA nTA and SThM probes on the MultiMode SPM
Cantilever holder enabling VITA nTA and SThM probes on the Innova SPM
VITA Scanning Thermal Microscopy, SThM, test sample
Innova probe cartridge for STM Mode
STM TERS package for Innova-IRIS.
Boot for Second Generation Dimension EC Cell
One cartridge for IRIS STM TERS
Small Sample Adapter for Second Generation Dimension EC Cell
NanoScope PeakForce QNM software option for the MultiMode 8.
NanoScope PeakForce QNM software option for the Dimension Icon
Six Month PeakForce QNM Evaluation Kit
PFTUNA Compatible Application Module Cantilever Holder for the MultiMode SPM.