PeakForce™ QNM™ is a patent-pending,new imaging mode that allows quantitative nanomechanical mapping ofmaterial properties, including modulus and adhesion, whilesimultaneously imaging sample topography at high resolution.
- High-Resolution Mapping of Modulus and Adhesion
- Direct Force Control Keeps Indentations Small for Higher Resolution and Non-Destructive Imaging
- Widest Operating Range for Samples from Soft Gels (~1 MPa) to Rigid Polymers (>20 GPa)
Based on Bruker’s exclusive Peak Force Tapping™ technology, thismode records very fast force response curves at every single pixel inthe image. Thus, the forces applied to the sample are preciselycontrolled and a variety of probes can be used. It also allowsmeasurement of material properties over an extremely wide range: ~1 MPato 50 GPa for modulus and 10 pN to 10 µN for adhesion, encompassing manysample types. These capabilities dramatically exceed those of any othertechnique for nanoscale materials characterization.
The benefits of PeakForce QNM include longer probe lifetimes, fewerprobe exchanges, and improved sample integrity and measurementconsistency.
- Obtain maps of sample modulus and adhesion, along with high-resolution topography images with little or no extra effort
- PeakForce Tapping precisely controls imaging force to keep indentations small, enabling non-destructive and high-resolution imaging
- Material properties can be characterized over a very wide range, covering samples in many different research areas
PeakForce QNM, available on all Bruker high-performance AFMs,will change the way you think about and use atomic force microscopy!