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RectangularFrequency (KHz)
Nom: 9
Min: 6
Max: 12
Length (µm)
Nom: 300
Min: 350
Max: 250
Spring Const (N/m)
Nom: 0.8
Min: 0.48
Max: 1.12
Width (µm)
Nom: 60
Min: 50
Max: 70
Order a free RMN-12PT300B sample
Price: $900.00 (USD)
Sold in packs of 10
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Solid Metal Probe, 0.8 N/m, 9 kHz
Rocky Mountain Nanotechnology (RMN) probes are uniquely constructed from pure platinum and placed on a standard AFM probe sized ceramic substrate. Solid metal probes offer excellent conductivity and suffer no thin-film adhesion problems that occur with metal-coated silicon probes. These probes also have a tip radius (< 20 nm) which is difficult to routinely obtain by standard AFM probe processing methods.
These probes are ideal for C-AFM, SCM, and KPFM/EFM applications.
They are available in a range of spring constants. Each probe tip is individually imaged by FE-SEM to verify that the metallic probe tip radius is below 20nm.