Highly-ordered pyrolytic graphite, Grade ZYB
AFM sample Mica disks, 12mm
Sapphire Sample, 12mm Mounted
Polystyrene Film Sample, 2.7GPa, 12mm, Mounted
PDMS Gel Sample, Tack 0, 12mm Mounted
Fused Silica 72.9 GPa sample for PeakForce QNM.
Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite, Grade ZYB
Roughness Sample, 12mm Mounted
PDMS Gel Sample, Tack 4, 12mm Mounted
Titanium roughness sample
Peak Force QNM Sample Kit, Samples on 12mm discs
Calibration artifact: 180nm step height, 10µm pitch
Cantilever & wafer tool kit: 1 scribe, 1 wafer tweezers, 3 regular tweezers
Tip storage kit with gel for silicon nitride cantilevers
Tip storage kit with gel for silicon cantilevers