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Tip Radius (nm)
Nom: 20.0
Max: 35.0
Frequency (KHz)
Nom: 75
Min: 50
Max: 100
Length (µm)
Nom: 225
Min: 215
Max: 235
Spring Const (N/m)
Nom: 3.0
Min: 1.5
Max: 6.0
Width (µm)
Nom: 35
Min: 33
Max: 37
Price: $590.00 (USD)
Sold in packs of 10
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A 10 pack of probes for tapping mode imaging and nanoIR spectroscopic measurements. Unmounted for use on Bruker's IconIR system or others systems that can take a standard cantilever chip.

This 75khz tapping mode probe has a full wrap gold coating, on the reflex side  for increased feedback laser signal, on the tip side  to enable nanoIR measurements.

Tip Specification
PR-UM-TNIR-A-10 Tip Image
Au tip side coating on the cantilever and pyramidal tip specifically to enable nanoIR measurements
Tip Height (h): 12.5 µm
Front Angle (FA): 17.5º
Back Angle (BA): 25.0º
Side Angle (SA): 20.0º
Cantilever Specification
PR-UM-TNIR-A-10 Cantilever Image
Au reflex coating on the backside of the cantilever increases the feedback laser signal on the photodetector
Material: 0.010-0.025Ohmcm Antimony (n) doped Si
Geometry: Rectangular
Cantilevers Number: 1
Cantilever Thickness (Nom): 2.8 umµm
Back Side Coating: Au 50 nm