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Tip Radius (nm)
Nom: 5000
Max: 6000
Frequency (KHz)
Nom: 30
Min: 15
Max: 45
Length (µm)
Nom: 115
Min: 105
Max: 125
Spring Const (N/m)
Nom: 0.25
Min: 0.05
Max: 0.45
Width (µm)
Nom: 40
Min: 38
Max: 42
Price: $550.00 (USD)
Sold in packs of 5
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Novel probe for BioAFM, to address life science micro-rheology applications. 23 microns tall, cylindrical tip with large 5 micron end radius, combined with a low 0.2N/m spring constant provides:

• Minimal interference between cantilever and high roughness cellular or tissue samples

• Highly reproducible micro-rheology results

• Compatible with very soft samples, moduli from sub-kPa to 100kPa

• Each probe comes with LDV pre-calibrated cantilever

Tip Specification
SAA-SPH-5UM Tip Image
Tip Height (h): 23 µm
Cantilever Specification
SAA-SPH-5UM Cantilever Image
Material: Nitride
Geometry: Paddle
Cantilevers Number: 1
Cantilever Thickness (Nom): 0.58µm
Cantilever Thickness (RNG): 0.53-0.63µm
Back Side Coating: Au