
RectangularTip Radius (nm)
Nom: 30
Max: 36
Frequency (KHz)
Nom: 525
Min: 375
Max: 675
Length (µm)
Nom: 125
Min: 115
Max: 135
Spring Const (N/m)
Nom: 200
Min: 100
Max: 400
Width (µm)
Nom: 40
Min: 38
Max: 42
Price: $572.25 (USD)
Sold in packs of 5
Questions? Free, Online Consulting
Building on Bruker’s flagship series of Tapping probes with rotated tip, the RTESPA-525-30 provides accurate nanomechanical mapping on very stiff samples in air with controlled end radius and laser Doppler vibrometer calibrated spring constants.
End radii are controlled to 30nm +/- 15%. Spring constants are individually calibrated and guaranteed within 20% . Parameters are contained in the QR code on the box for fast and error free reading with the QR reader included with Bruker’s new PeakForce QNM high accuracy kit available for Dimension Icon. The nominal 200 N/m spring constant is most suitable for very stiff (typically >> 1 GPa) samples. For other samples, see the whole series of calibrated probes.
- Nanomechanical mapping with FFV or PFQNM on Dimension Icon
- Controlled 30nm end radius
- Individually calibrated spring constant, 200N/m nominal
- Parameters contained in QR code
- One pack of 5 probes
Download the datasheet to learn more.
Cantilever Specification
Material: 0.01 - 0.025 Ωcm Antimony (n) doped Si
Geometry: Rectangular
Cantilevers Number: 1
Cantilever Thickness (Nom): 5.75µm
Cantilever Thickness (RNG): 4.75 - 6.75 - 4.15µm
Back Side Coating: Reflective Aluminum