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RectangularTip Radius (nm)
Nom: 8
Max: 12
Frequency (KHz)
Nom: 75
Min: 50
Max: 100
Length (µm)
Nom: 225
Min: 215
Max: 235
Spring Const (N/m)
Nom: 2.8
Min: 1
Max: 5
Width (µm)
Nom: 35
Min: 33
Max: 37
Price: $357.00 (USD)
Sold in packs of 10
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A pack of 10 High quality etched silicon probes for soft TappingMode™ imaging and force modulation in air. Unmounted for use on standard AFM's.
Bruker’s line of FESP high quality premium etched silicon probes set the industry standard for soft TappingMode imaging and force modulation in air.
The new design provides:
• Tighter dimensional specifications for improved probe to probe consistency
• Tighter alignment of the tip apex to the cantilever resulting in easier laser positioning over the tip
• Improved probe quality & aesthetics
This AFM probe is unmounted for use on any AFM and is also available with Aluminum reflex coating as model FESPA-V2.