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Price: $950.00 (USD)
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Cover Glass for Second Generation Dimension EC Cell
-- Set of 5 spare fused silica cover glasses
-- Seals cell against FFKM boot (EC-V2-CH BOOT) upon engage
-- Enables sample viewing after assembly
-- Slotted for easy assembly
-- Included with the second generation Dimension Icon and Edge EC accessories (Models ICONEC-V2-NOPOT, ICONEC-V2-POT-100V, -110V, -220V, EDGEEC-V2-NOPOT, EDGEEC-V2-POT-100V, -110V, -220V) but available as a spare part
-- REQUIRES one of the second generation Dimension Icon or Edge EC accessories (see model numbers above)
-- Set of 5 spare fused silica cover glasses
-- Seals cell against FFKM boot (EC-V2-CH BOOT) upon engage
-- Enables sample viewing after assembly
-- Slotted for easy assembly
-- Included with the second generation Dimension Icon and Edge EC accessories (Models ICONEC-V2-NOPOT, ICONEC-V2-POT-100V, -110V, -220V, EDGEEC-V2-NOPOT, EDGEEC-V2-POT-100V, -110V, -220V) but available as a spare part
-- REQUIRES one of the second generation Dimension Icon or Edge EC accessories (see model numbers above)